Who We Are

Our Rabbi
Rabbi Nisan Andrews hopes to touch the lives of the members of his community and grow alongside his congregants. He and his wife Hannah, a bubbly, charismatic and talented educator, have four children.

Our Mission
…to be a Congregation guided by Torah teachings, Spirituality and ideals of Community, welcoming all Jews as equals and all people as Children of G-d.

Our History
Congregation House of Jacob-Mikveh Israel is the oldest Jewish organization in Alberta.
The first Synagogue building, located on 5th Ave. SE, was consecrated in 1912.
Our Mission
Congregation House of Jacob-Mikveh Israel is a modern Orthodox synagogue. Its mood is that of historic Judaism as applied to contemporary society.
Congregation House of Jacob-Mikveh Israel believes:
Our Torah is the word of G-d.
The Torah and Jewish law, having patterned the life of our people for almost 3500 years, are applicable to all social situations, in all ages. It continues today as a major, vital, progressive force in Jewish existence.
The synagogue serves as a spiritual center that points out the goal which we strive to attain for ourselves and our children.
Our Rabbi
Rabbi Nisan Andrews hopes to touch the lives of the members of his community and grow alongside his congregants. He and his wife Hannah, a bubbly, charismatic and talented educator, have four children.

Born in Canada and raised in Calgary, Rabbi Andrews attended Telshe Yeshiva in Chicago, where he received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Rabbinics. While at Telshe, he developed a special relationship with its Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Avrohom C. Levin zt”l, from whom he received his semicha.
After ordination, his first Rabbinic role was as Assistant Rabbi here at Congregation House of Jacob-Mikveh Israel. Since he departed from Calgary, Rabbi Andrews has ministered to congregations in Milwaukee, WI; London, England; and Allentown, PA. While employed as the Associate Rabbi of Finchley United Synagogue in London, a flagship congregation of the United Synagogue with over 1,800 member families, he began innovative social and educational programming. In all of his positions, Rabbi Andrews worked tirelessly to strengthen the engagement of his communities.
Both Hannah and the Rabbi are excited to see you at shul.
Our History
Congregation House of Jacob-Mikveh Israel is the oldest Jewish organization in Alberta. Jacob Lynn Diamond, the first permanent Jewish settler in Alberta, came to Calgary in 1888 from the Vilna area as a fur trader. He and his wife Rachel became the pillars of the town’s fledgling Jewish community. Their home in East Calgary was the Synagogue, ‘Jewish Center’, and even the funeral chapel, until the first Synagogue building, located on 5th Ave. SE, was consecrated in 1912.
Formal organization of the congregation took place in 1909, and it was appropriately named ‘House of Jacob’. Over the years, it spawned independent Jewish organizations such as the Chevra Kadisha, Calgary Talmud Torah, and others.
By the late 1950’s the membership of the parent House of Jacob began to decline. Its original historic site gave way to urban renewal, and the aging congregation found a second home near 12th St. and 12 Ave. SW. Since then, the congregation has succeeded in reestablishing its membership, which now includes many young families drawn to the Synagogue by the warmth and beauty of Jewish life.
House of Jacob is now located at Jerusalem Rd. and 92 Ave. SW. In keeping with its early beginnings, the revitalized House of Jacob-Mikveh Israel has again asserted the role of traditional Judaism in Calgary. Thanks to the gracious support of members and friends of the congregation in Calgary, and in other cities in Canada, and in particular the Koschitzky family of Toronto, Alberta’s oldest center of Jewish life can now look forward to a second youth and a bright future.

Today the Synagogue has a strong family and youth orientation, as well as a strong emphasis on Jewish adult education and outreach through innovative and educational programs. Its future is guaranteed by the new generations growing up in its environment.